Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Editorial May 2020

Lock-down News
We have included details of opening times, where available, and services available during the Lock-down. Plus, details of the various Grants that are available to those in need of help during these difficult times.

Thank you to all those who have continued to support and encourage The Hockley Flyer Team to continue publishing the magazine, albeit in smaller numbers due to difficulty in leaving at Distribution Points, although subscription numbers have increased and more copies are being read online. As one voice they say it is essential as a sign of sustainability and a promise that ‘things will get better’.

The Jewellery Trade has survived many terrible upheavals over the past 300 years and already we can sense a determination to survive this one.

We brummies’ in particular are a stubborn, but reliable and honourable, band and we will all stick together as we have in the past.

New Photographer/Journalist
Mr Niel Black (who lives in the JQ) has offered to help Mark to distribute the Hockley Flyer in future, not only to Distribution Points, but also to post them through some letterboxes (as Marie did for many years using her famous trolley) and also to take photos for us when walking his dog. He is already known and respected by a large number of people around the JQ and we welcome him on board the Hockley Flyer.
We do of course welcome any stories or some of the lovely photographs taken by JQ lovers – to use in the magazine and enter into our permanent database.

Heritage – Court House
Coming in a future issue and although briefly mentioned in the History & Guide, the fascinating, unique, full story of The Court House and Women’s Prison has never been published. We will put this matter right in a not too distant future issue.

Pat Roach – The ‘Gentle Giant’
We have covered Pat’s incredible life and list the three books written by him in collaboration with Shirley Thompson. In the book about Birmingham there are many interviews with local well-known people and pictures of The Jewellery Quarter, where he was born and lived for a time in Tenby Street North!


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The Hockley Flyer magazine if entirely funded by the advertising, but we could always do with a little bit more funding. The advertising not only pays for the design/printing, but also postage, delivery, all the associated paperwork/accounts, and research for the Heritage section. Our subscribers pay only a bit more then the postage/mailing costs, and the magazines are free - no cover price.

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