Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Editorial March 2021

Spring really is sprung – at last – and it is buds, bulbs, and blossom time. It all helps to lift our spirits somewhat and, according to the ‘experts’ the vaccination project is slowing the spread of the Coronavirus.
Some of the details of an easing of the Lock-down are a bit difficult to absorb – but anything is better than nothing!

Be so good to see our streets busy again – it has all looked so drab over the past months and hopefully people will be able to enjoy a meal and a drink inside our attractive restaurants, pubs, and cafes.

I sincerely hope most of our retail shops, restaurants, galleries and of course our wonderful museums will soon be back to full strength and that all the ‘experts’ will disappear!

It will be good to have our Chamberlain Clock back again. We will be writing an in-depth feature on Joseph Chamberlain soon as he was so much revered by the jewellery and silversmith trade that they saw fit to collect sufficient money to erect a memorial clock in his honour.

Brand New JQ Heritage Quarterly Book
See notice inside – so thrilled that at last we have managed to launch the first of this ‘must have’ books.

Marie Haddleton

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