Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Turkey/Syria Earthquake Aid Road-Trip

Back in April our ‘team’ headed for Turkey to hand out aid to some of those most affected by this huge disaster. Myself (The editor) was asked to be part the team, but sadly did not feel I could be of enough help, 10 years ago maybe but I had a commitment to do this magazine monthly and the road trip was nearly a month away from the UK. Also still suffering slightly from the long-term effects of Covid 19 in was probably just as well, as many of the provinces visited, (nearly all those affected by the Earthquakes saw masses of heavy wagons and demolition of unsafe buildings on a huge scale making the air thick with building rubble dust.

Money for the trip was raised by holding several events and a bottle on the bar. The bottle contained £1,960.55 and two events on March 31st and April 14th raised more money, which originally was to get needy supplies for victims. 100% of the money raised from you was spent on the Earthquake victims.

Seyhmus Ozdemir, originally from Turkey and owns the Acapella Bar, about to break bottle.
The ongoing delivery of heavy water bottles to the Earthquake victims.

In reality the people needed so many different things it was impossible to sort, so we gave them roughly £100 each family for stuff they needed – the essentials already being supplied by the Turkish government.

‘Our team’ taking a meal break, note cracks in walls, nobody sneeze please!

Next the ‘team’ volunteered for the never-ending task of distributing bottled water as there were no mains supplies to all the affected provinces meaning millions of people were dependent on this back-breaking work and the regular teams were extremely thankful for our assistance.

Facts and Figures for Turkey: Earthquakes on 6th Feb

  • Over 50,700 deaths 300 missing and 108,000 injured across 11 provinces.
  • Over 230,000 buildings collapsed or so severely damaged will need or have been demolished.
  • More than 11,000 aftershocks occurred, according to Turkey’s Disaster and Emergency Management Authority (AFAD).
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