Wednesday, December 13, 2023

The Rt. Hon Clare Short MP Visits BJGF

L/R: Deborah Boswell, David Simons, Rosina Singleton, John Milligan, William Southall, Bob Plenderleith, Michael Godfrey, John Swain, David Doyle, Geoffrey Oakley, Appollonius Nooten-Boom, Marie Brennan, Pillippa Allan

The Board of Directors of the British Jewellery and Giftware Federation (BJGF) was delighted to once again welcome The Rt. Hon Clare Short MP to its headquarters in Birmingham on 13 September.

Clare Short, Secretary of State for International Development and the MP for Birmingham Ladywood, the constituency in which the BJGF’s headquarters is based, joined the Board of Directors for an informal lunch. She welcomed the opportunity to receive an up-date from the Federation on the latest developments within the jewellery, giftware, leathergoods and surface engineering industries.

John Swain, President of the BJGF, said “Clare Short’s visit to the BJGF, the second in 18 months, clearly demonstrates and underlines the importance of our sectors to Government.”

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