Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Funding Package to Boost Enforcement Response

Chinese coronavirus 2019-nCov under the microscope. 3d illustration

Details of how Birmingham City Council will use almost £900,000 to support the enforcement and compliance of COVID-19 regulations to keep people safe from the pandemic’s risks have been announced. To bolster the coronavirus response, 46 officers, including eight dedicated to parks and open spaces, will be deployed across Birmingham.

Of the total number, 24 COVID marshals will cover the city, likely to be based in Business Improvement Districts, who as part of their duties will be equipped with face coverings which they will distribute free of charge to people not wearing them where appropriate.

The council’s Environmental Health team will receive 12 enforcement officers, to help meet rising workloads since the onset of the pandemic and the remaining eight will serve as park marshals to offer safety advice in open spaces.

The funding, a package from central government, will also be used to purchase related equipment and technology that the officers will need such as PPE, IT, and body-worn cameras – in addition to the production of leaflets, letter drops to businesses and safety message signage in parks and at roadsides.
The remainder of the package will be split between universities and faith groups.

The city’s universities will receive funding to promote COVID-19 safety messages on campus, particularly around Halls of Residence and supporting fresher year students.

Faith groups will receive advice on safe practices in their settings and some of the sectors following on from life events (wedding and funerals/wakes). A focus is set to be placed on COVID security to protect the elderly who wish to attend places of worship.

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