Wednesday, December 13, 2023


Going digital has become such a familiar phrase we take it for granted these days. In this issue we have news from the HMRC extending the deadline for your annual returns and going ‘digital’ for your VAT returns which is mandatory from April 1st this year.

Whilst talking ‘digital’ – have any of you gone digital with your landline phone? I did recently, with a particularly good offer to upgrade my broadband and ‘go digital’ with the phone at the same time, so I ordered it, with installation booked in another couple of weeks. Then the provider changed when the phone part was going to be switched on, a further fortnight after the broadband was installed and working.
No problem you would think, but the ‘old’ phone line went out of order a couple of days after the engineer left, and with the pending ‘digital’ switch on I could not get the fault fixed whatever I tried, just had to wait patiently for the new service. Anyone else had this problem?

Later found out that the whole Country’s landlines are going to be switched to digital by 2025, making the copper wired phones and lines obsolete, so the pressure is on to meet the deadline and not surprising they left me without a phone service for a couple of weeks.

Also, by coincidence my office phone was out of order as well, so now have a new number 0121 318 1801 for the office and please remove the 0121 364 0700 number as I cannot even find anyone or a place to report the fault with that provider. This sad situation seems an increasingly frustrating happening on large company web sites, featuring a smart web site full of sales offers and upgrades but little else – especially help when it goes wrong!

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