Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Editorial December 2022

Plenty of news for the jewellery sector in this month’s issue, which is unusual for this time of year, traditionally the December issue was one of the magazines quietest times, but everything that seems traditional you can through out the window, you really do not know what to expect.

Elsewhere is the magazines first attempt at a gift guide for those wanting to do some Christmas shopping locally, unfortunately it is a bit light as time ran out, but it is something to pursue for the November and December issues next year.

Plenty of other stuff to read, so please enjoy the rest of the magazine, either the printed version or online.

Finally, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our readers, subscribers, advertisers, and helpers including the many distribution points who all help keep The Hockley Flyer part of the local business and leisure community.




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