Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Editorial August 2021

Firstly, I must thank everyone who has taken the time to write in about the sad passing of our long-time editor Marie who of course was also my Mum! I had so many tributes paid to her, it was rather overwhelming in the end, so thought it best to thank everyone via this page. If I had published even the choice picks from the many tributes it could have filled these pages of the magazine several times over, so again many, many thanks as they helped my family get through the worst of times.

Secondly, this issue should be a lot closer to the publishing date of the 15th of the month, which this month happens to be a Sunday so will be out very shortly after that.

The usual features are back with the Trade Talk, the newer Leisure section, a near full Events section as just about everywhere is now open and the ever-popular Heritage section. (Please someone tell some of the Museums we are all back!)

Also reintroduced within the magazine are the recruitment pages rather than online only. Having a make-over are the Classifieds. The new system on The Hockley Flyer web site is very intuitive and I have to say is a vast improvement on all previous versions, and at a very reasonable cost as the classified ads will go online the moment you have finished posting them, and in the very next issue(s) of the magazine.

Finally, the Jewellery Quarter Heritage Magazine issues 1 and 2 are still on sale at the sister web site and work is well underway for issue 3 out in a few weeks’ time.

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The Hockley Flyer magazine if entirely funded by the advertising, but we could always do with a little bit more funding. The advertising not only pays for the design/printing, but also postage, delivery, all the associated paperwork/accounts, and research for the Heritage section. Our subscribers pay only a bit more then the postage/mailing costs, and the magazines are free - no cover price.

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