Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Editorial April 2020

After lots of encouragement (we didn’t really need it) The Hockley Flyer will carry on being published as close to the regular publishing date as possible during this crisis. We believe it is vitally important for the continuity of news for the Jewellery Quarter, the jewellery trade, its museums, galleries, restaurants, and other businesses, including of course the residents.

Obviously, we are unable to distribute it as usual, so a big welcome to our new readers online. In fact, we have been publishing the magazine online for quite a while and this is actually the 104th issue online.
We produced an extra issue soon after the March magazine came out, as much of the contents went out of date very rapidly. You can check that extra issue online by visiting our website. (A Coronavirus Special issue 416(a) )

We will of course continue to have printed versions when we can, but thanks to modern technology we can order smaller print runs to send to our subscribers and mailing list for now.

Although the April issue includes more news than usual we have not been able to contact everyone about their advertisements, in part because the advertising staff seem to be the first to be ‘furloughed’ (new word for us this year), so please remember that each individual business has been affected in different ways from total closure to key members of staff working a reduced service to government guidelines, and some businesses changing almost completely, many moving to online as their main form of trading.

Most advertisers have some sort of backup or helpline for problems, so best to contact them or at least check out their websites, and sorry if some advertisements have not been updated as usual.
One thing for sure is that after this virus is defeated, some things just won’t be the same again with many businesses taking a long, hard look at how they operate, with more online presence and many more staff working from home being some obvious changes.

Working from home is nothing new to us at The Hockley Flyer having given up the offices several years ago, but even at home it is now so quiet without the sound of traffic it is difficult to remember to close the windows before going to bed, but after forgetting once, we won’t do that again!!
Wildlife is also returning and foxes have moved in somewhere nearby and can wake you up rather suddenly in the early hours and to top it all we have our first owl after around 30 years of them disappearing from Great Barr.
Speaking of wildlife our main home office overlooks our garden and in the patio in plain sight a pair of robins have made their nest in a box I put up a couple of years ago.
They have been amazingly busy feeding their young non-stop dusk to dawn, as busy as people caring for the poorly – we salute all of you!

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The Hockley Flyer magazine if entirely funded by the advertising, but we could always do with a little bit more funding. The advertising not only pays for the design/printing, but also postage, delivery, all the associated paperwork/accounts, and research for the Heritage section. Our subscribers pay only a bit more then the postage/mailing costs, and the magazines are free - no cover price.

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