Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Birmingham Assay Office Competition to kick start their 250th Anniversary

In 2023 the Birmingham Assay Office turns 250. To mark this momentous occasion, they are launching a competition to commission a piece of silverware to add to its existing collection. The piece should celebrate the history and heritage of the Birmingham Assay Office.

The historical silver collection at the Birmingham Assay Office showcases the enormous wealth of talent of Birmingham’s most celebrated Silversmiths, including Matthew Boulton, Nathaniel Mills and Elkington & Co.

The competition launched on the 28th of February 2023 and is open to UK based designers and silversmiths.

The design must be made of sterling silver or Britannia silver and will be hallmarked at the Birmingham Assay Office including the Birmingham Assay Office sponsor mark.

Entries will be asked to submit their designs by the 31st March 2023. Judging will then take place in late March by an expert panel, with the winning design to be announced by the end of April.

The winner must be prepared to make or have the item made and delivered to the Birmingham Assay Office by 11 August 2023 in readiness for their official Birthday date.
The Betts Group have kindly sponsored up to 3kg of recycled silver for the winning design.
The winner will receive up to £5,000 to cover labour and additional materials.

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