Wednesday, December 13, 2023

A. E. Harris Now Moved out of JQ

Sadly, after 140 years in the Jewellery Quarter A. E. Harris moved out and handed the property over to the developers a few weeks ago.

The bulk of the machinery had already moved before the Lockdown, and as things eased, we put together a team to finally clear the balance of the site.

I, like you am ‘shielded’ and as yet I have not got to the new premises in West Bromwich to see things working, I only saw an empty shell many months ago. Having personally worked in the Quarter for 43 years, it will be very strange driving to work in West Bromwich, and I suspect on a few occasions, I will head for Hockley like a homing pigeon.

It has always been a joy meeting up with you at the various breakfasts over the years, and I wish you and Mark continued good health and prosperity,

John J T Sloyan, Managing Director
A E Harris & Co. (Birmingham) Ltd

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